Rebuild Todo List golang 1.12.8 security rebuild

2019-08-15 - Morten Linderud

Go has fixed 3 CVEs in relation to the recent HTTP/2 DoS attacks. The list reflects all packages utilizing the `net/http` library and needs to be rebuilt with the current go release.

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5 packages displayed out of 5 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra alertmanager 0.28.0-1 jelle, demize Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra prometheus 3.2.0-1 jelle, demize, hashworks Complete demize
x86_64 Extra prometheus-blackbox-exporter 0.25.0-1 jelle, demize Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra prometheus-node-exporter 1.8.2-2 jelle, demize Complete demize
x86_64 Extra swig 4.3.0-1 felixonmars Complete felixonmars